“The Love of God the Father” 21st Annual SKSS Retreat

“The Love of God the Father” 21st Annual SKSS Retreat

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are” (I John 3:1).

This was the theme of the 21st Annual Diocesan Kolo Srpskih Sestara Lenten Women’s Retreat which was held at the Saint Steven’s Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, California on Friday, March 23rd and Saturday, March 24, 2017.

This year, with the Blessing of His Grace Bishop Maxim, the retreat was led by V. Rev. Timothy Pavlatos, a priest at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in Portland, Oregon and a licensed marriage and family therapist and adjunct professor at George Fox University’s Graduate School of Counseling. His presentation drew on his experience as a priest and a therapist, as well as being the father of nine children, and his exceptional talent to speak plainly and directly was captivating, educational and refreshing. 

Fr. Timothy spoke on the topics: God’s Desire for us: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” (Rev. 3:20) followed by Our longing for God, “My God my soul longs for you” (Ps. 62:4). A dialogue between Fr. Timothy and the participants examined further “the knock on the door” and how God is always politely and patiently knocking ever so gently on our door, waiting for us to answer it and invite him in without reservation or hesitation, but instead with a welcoming heart full of peace, joy, and love.

V. Rev. Predrag Bojovic, SKSS Spiritual Father, and priest at the St. Sava Church in San Gabriel, as well as Rev. Norman Kosavovich, assistant priest at the Saint Steven’s Cathedral in Alhambra, also participated in the retreat and church services. The Diocesan SKSS prepared the meals and hosted this most successful event. Participants travelled from as far away as Phoenix and Los Vegas and included many of our pan-orthodox friends. 




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