Sts. Peter & Paul Feast Day in Fresno, CA

Sts. Peter & Paul Feast Day in Fresno, CA

Petrovdan 2022

St. Peter the Apostle parish’s 71st annual commemoration of Ss. Peter and Paul (Petrovdan) was held on Sunday, July 17.  The day, at which we gather to honor our patron saint, is always a day of great joy.

On this very hot summer day here in the heart of California’s Central Valley, we gathered as a Eucharistic parish community which has been mystically identified with Ss. Peter & Paul—through Christ—to specifically ask them to intercede in our behalf, and to glorify God  “who is wonderful in His saints.”  The day began with the celebration of Matins followed by the Hierarchical Liturgy, led by our beloved Father and Bishop MAXIM, together with the parish rector Father George Gligichand visiting deacon and friend to the parish community Deacon Dragan Stojanovich, from St. Sava Church in Jackson, CA. The responses to Matins and Liturgy were beautifly chanted and sung by our St. Peter Choir under the direction of Djakonitsa Peggy Matthews.  

Following the Gospel reading, Bishop Maxim’s homily was on the day’s lesson from Matthew 8:28-9:1, the two demon-possessed men healed by Jesus. The bishop spoke about how the demonic powers that currently control the world know their time is limited and that Christ will one day vanquish all suffering and evil from the earth. That is why we as Christians pray “Thy Kingdom Come,” looking forward to the advent of Christ. He also spoke of how the Church cannot be limited to just one sphere of human activity, but that Christ’s commands apply to all of existence.

Before the end the Liturgy the Litya procession around the church with the reading of the Gospel and sanctification with Holy Water took place.  Upon reentering the temple the Slava Bread and Wheat were blessed.  This year the Kumovi for the Slava were the Terrance and Stacy Smith. They have been very active in their service and devotion to our St. Peter’s Church for many years, faithfully giving of their time, talents and financial resourses to the betterment of our parish community.

After the Liturgy His Grace warmly and lovingly greeted Father George and all of the faithful on the celebration of our Slava and the joy that he was filled with on being able to share this day with us.  Father George welcomed His Grace expressing the blessing of having our beloved archpastor once again in our midst leading us in our celebration.

During the banquet that followed, Father George, on behalf of the Parish presented our Slava Kumovi Terrance and Stacy (Batrich) Smith with an Icon the Holy Apostle Peter for their many years of service to the parish.  They expressed their gratitude for being honored, the blessing it has been to be able to work with so many in our community, and the love that they had for each and every parishioner.

During the Slava Luncheon the parishioners were able to viewan impressive exhibition of paintings by His Grace Bishop Maxim.  This was a unique opportunity for all in attendance to not only view but also purchase his beautiful paintings.  The proceeds of each painting sold were equally divided to benefit our parish and our Western American Diocese Charity Fund. His Grace in recognition of our Slava presented the parish with a recently completed, beautiful Icon of the Apostle Peter.

At the conclusion of the banquet the annual St. Peter Youth Scholarships were awared. $500 was presented to graduating High School Senior Nadia Waggoner, and $1250 each werepresented to Nia Duran and Elijana Clemensen.  Nadia is the daughter of parishioner Anastacia Romanenko and the granduaghter of Andrej Romanenko and Carolyn Romanenko. She had numerous academic honors and will be continuing hereducation at Clovis Community College.  Nia is the daughter of parishioners Ernie and Cheryl Duran and was a soloist at hergraduation ceremony from Clovis West High School, as well as having outstanding participation in the activities and worship of our parish community.  Nia will be attending California State University Fresno this fall, majoring in Speech and Language Patholgy.  Elijana is the daughter of Wayne and Lisa Clemensenand the granddaughter of John and Suzanna Baziuk and was the valedictorian of her graduating class at Eddison High School.Elijana was also outstanding in her participation in the activities and worship of our parish community.  Elijana will be attending Fresno City College this fall, with plans to enter into medical school. We congratulate our scholarship recipients and ask God’s blessings and protection in their future!

The delicious banquet was prepared by Ernie and Cheryl Duran and their dedicated committee and we are grateful to them.Especially to Ernie and parishioner Anthony Olivo for grilling the lamb outdoors in the 109 degree heat! We also thank the Rodika Nika for generously donating all of the expenses of the banquet in honor and recognition of the upcoming marriage of her son Justin to Crystal Gee. God grant them Many Years!   This was truly a special day in the life of our parish community.  We thank God and through the intercessions of the Holy Apostles for His continued mercy and love for our parish!


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