Episcopal Visit to Saint Andrew Fool-for-Christ Church, Anderson, Church

Episcopal Visit to Saint Andrew Fool-for-Christ Church, Anderson, Church

On Sunday July 22, 2018 His Grace Bishop Maxim visited the parish of Saint Andrew Fool-for-Christ in Anderson, CA which is about 2 hours north of Sacramento.

Our morning began with the arrival of His Grace to our church with one of our younger parishioners “piping in” the bishop from the parking lot to the front doors of the church where Fr. George Elliott, the Abbott Heiromonk Damascene from St Herman’s Monastery, Fr. Deacon Philip Mayer and Fr. Deacon Dragon Stojanovich of St. Sava Church in Jackson and many of the laity of St Andrew’s were waiting to greet His Grace with traditional bread and salt.  John Elliott, the piper, played a Serbian tune on the Scottish Great Highland Pipes called “People Rejoice”.  This tune came from a traditional Serbian folk tune and had words written for it celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord by St. Nikolai Velimirovic.  The bread was made by the young daughter of another parishioner, so our celebrations began with help from the youth of St Andrew’s.

After the entrance and vesting of the bishop, the celebrants began the Divine Liturgy in the Church with about 55 people present.  There were a couple monks from St. Herman’s Monastery and all the nuns from St. Xenia Skete, including the newly tonsured Mother Seraphima (formerly sister Andrea). The choir had worked very hard to learn some new melodies for the litanies.  His Grace gave a few words on the joy of sharing the Liturgy as part of the body of Christ.  At Communion, His Grace served the Body and Blood to the faithful.  At the end of the service, the congregation processed to the Trapeza for a specially prepared meal with meat and fish specially prepared for the event.

During the meal, His Grace presented an Episcopal Gramata to Fr. Deacon Philip and his wife Diakonisia Patricia and to Reader Basil Ellis and Elena Ellis for their many years of devoted service to the parish of St Andrew’s Orthodox Church.  Both couples were involved in the establishment of St. Andrew’s parish.  John our resident bagpiper, played a few more tunes on the pipes including a piece of melody from Anton Dvorak’s 2nd symphony.  His Grace also sang a couple of songs from the Serbian tradition including a song from Kosovo.  His Grace concluded his visit and our blessed time together with prayer.

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