Decani Monastery Relief Fund Appeal

Decani Monastery Relief Fund Appeal

September 4, 2018

Beloved in the Lord,

The blessing of God be with you all!

I write to share that the 20th anniversary of the founding of The Decani Monastery Relief Fund will occur during October this year. I look forward to being with our brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija to commemorate its vital humanitarian work.  My annual trip to the region will be October 8-23.

As always, I seek to bring blessings and encouragement from the brethren here to the oppressed and persecuted Orthodox Christians of these two Serbian provinces.


For two decades, concerned Orthodox Christians like you have generously supported The Decani Monastery Relief Fund.  How many people have you helped and saved by providing food, warm clothing, firewood, medical and other assistance to this oppressed Christian minority?  Be assured–you are a life preserver through your support of the DMRF.

The Christians we support in this Balkan region remain holding fast to their ancestral homes, lands, churches, and monasteries, some of which date back to the 12th century. It is no small thing to accomplish in a hostile environment, such as it is and has been for 20 years.  How many people still exist in this region because you have been a sustaining factor for them?  More than you might think.  Remember, God is mindful of every good work that has love as its foundation.


This fall, I ask your kind help to benefit the Orthodox Christians in Kosovo and Metohija. Right now, I am undertaking a drive to collect scarves – wool scarves are preferable, as wool is the warmest fabric in frigid conditions. 

We need scarves for both adults and children. If you can quickly knit or crochet one or more wool scarves—great! If you can purchase new scarves, fantastic!  If you are a “thrift” shopper, that’s wonderful, too. (I only ask that what you offer from any thrift shop be cleaned before sending. It’s a matter of proper hygiene as we want to provide fresh and ready to wear articles of clothing free from soil or odors. Thank you for that!) 

Please mail scarves to me at the address provided at the end of this letter. Please post them no later than September 30.

Along with scarves, there is always a need for funds, plain and simple.  Here is one example of how funding is used in the region:

The Matic Family and their new cow

The Matic Family and their new cow


Many families depend on having a cow to provide them with milk and cheese. Neighbors often share in these dairy products as well. This past week our Decani fund donated a cow to the Matic family of Brtotin, Velka Hoca. This one cow cost $1,743.00, and the family was so grateful! 





Mr. and Mrs. Stevanovic

Mr. and Mrs. Stevanovic


The DMRF provides families farm animals when we can. We not only offer one cow but will often replace a stolen cow which, sadly, reflects on-going problems of theft. Theft of essentials is just one example of the kind of oppression foisted upon the Serbian Christian community in Kosovo and Metohija.

On August 29, SIX cows were STOLEN in the village of Gorazdevac! The owners, an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Stevanovic, used these cows to provide an income selling dairy products.  Their primary concern has been helping fund the treatment of a sick grandchild.  These six cows cost the family the equivalent of $12,000 (USD), a life’s investment.  What a significant loss for the Stevanovic family!  Sadly, while away at a doctor’s appointment, the cows were stolen. What can we say to these things?  The DMRF has provided the Stevanovic couple a replacement cow for now.


Sabaet and Arian Hajrizai and Monk Fr. Isaiah

Sabaet and Arian Hajrizai and Monk Fr. Isaiah

Many Serbs would love to have just one a cow and manage somehow to keep their family afloat.  Again, the last cow purchased was $1,743.00.  Our Decani Fund will purchase a family a cow, for example, that will sustain them and often their neighbours, too.  This ownership enables the family and others to remain stable while living under hardship.

In our land of abundance, we may not be able to enter into the essential factor of owning a cow, but for those who are struggling to nourish themselves, it can mean the difference between a viable life and livelihood–or not. The Decani Monastery Relief Fund is committed to helping these steadfast people. We have done so and will continue to do so, with whatever provisions God makes available to us.

The Decani Monastery Relief Fund routinely provides farm animals, firewood, food (we also stock local soup kitchens with provisions), home appliances, tools, farm machinery, medical assistance, and more. Our help extends to families, individuals (elderly), schools, churches, and monasteries.  We primarily help the Orthodox, but occasionally assist other minorities in the country who live in hardship and reach out for help.


We do whatever we can that is necessary and reasonable to keep the existing Christian population stable in this area of the world. We cannot do it without you.

With an outpouring of LOVE, all things are possible. With God, all things are possible. With the movement of God within you and the Orthodox Serbians of Kosovo & Metohija, life continues. There is joy amidst hardship. There is a consolation for the faithful.  They have tangible proof that their plight is known and that the family of God cares for them.  They have not been abandoned in their hardships! Your participation with us in the work of this Fund means everything to these dear people. And we all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


So, dear brethren, will you help me prepare for my October visit? Would you offer a financial gift, some warm clothing or both? And if not these things, will you offer a prayer for a generous outpouring of spiritual blessing and consolation for the suffering Serbs during my upcoming trip? For all these things, I am most grateful!

Here’s how to partner with the DMRF this season: 

Donate via Paypal

(use the button on our website:


Send a check payable to:

Decani Monastery Relief Fund
2618 West Bannock Street
Boise, ID  83702-4705

The Decani Monastery Relief Fund is a 501c3 tax-exempt charity and issues receipts for donations made. 

Peace to you and peace to your soul!

Humbly in our Lord Jesus Christ,

+Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes
President of the Decani Monastery Relief Fund

Contact information: Cell Phone 208-860-2479 / Email

PS: My October visit will mark my 13th trip to the region. I have always found it both rewarding and challenging. Spiritually, I am uplifted and consoled.  Emotionally and physically, it drains me. I am unaccustomed to the rigours and deprivations that our brothers and sisters have learned to tolerate over many years of injustices—may God forgive my weakness. I covet your prayers and thank you in advance. God love and bless you!       


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