Join Us Saturday, August 31st as we Venerate The Holy Relics of Two Great Saints of Modern Times

Join Us Saturday, August 31st as we Venerate The Holy Relics of Two Great Saints of Modern Times

Dear Beloved in Christ,

As we approach this year’s Diocesan Assembly during the Labor Day weekend, I am pleased to share with you that we have been granted an extraordinary honor. The holy relics of two contemporary saints, Saint Nikolai of Žiča and Saint Justin of Ćelije, will be present during this blessed gathering.

This unique opportunity allows our faithful to venerate these sacred relics and seek the intercessions of these great saints of our time. In the spirit of unity and spiritual growth, I invite you to join us and be part of this profound experience.

Please share this news and the flyer below with your family and friends and encourage their participation in what promises to be a memorable and spiritually enriching occasion.

Saint Nikolai of Žiča and Saint Justin of Ćelije were beacon lights during the turbulent times of the 20th century, offering profound guidance to both the Serbian people and the broader Orthodox world.

I look forward to joining in prayer and fellowship this blessed weekend.

With prayers and best regards,

Maxim ep.

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