The Feast of St. Andrew Fool-for-Christ Parish Slava in Anderson, California

The Feast of St. Andrew Fool-for-Christ Parish Slava in Anderson, California

St Andrew Fool-for-Christ Orthodox Church celebrated it’s patronal feast with a first-time visit from Fr Vasilije Gavrilovic who is an assisting priest to Bishop Maxim. His Grace regretfully could not attend because of a prior commitment but we had a wonderful time with Fr Vasilije.

Our weekend began with Fr George meeting our guest at the airport and then meeting up with fellow parishioners at a local Asian restaurant. A wonderful time of fellowship ensued which included music provided by one of our parishioners who plays saxophone. We discussed many things regarding church growth as our small parish is experiencing rapid growth with many new converts and catechumens learning the faith and participating faithfully in the services and life of the church.

In the morning, Fr George and Fr Vasilije prepared the gifts during the Liturgy of Preparation. During the Divine Liturgy, Fr Vasilije gave a wonderful homily on the parable of the talents. We understood that everything comes from God including whatever “talents” we may possess so it behooves us to do as God does and give those talents back to God and thus to the world. Half of any blessing is giving that blessing away.

The church was full but not cramped with over 60 parishioners and catechumens. The choir sang beautifully, even some new pieces of music

Fr Vasilije gave us valuable instruction in conducting the Slava service in addition to the helpful advice and insights on various parts of the Divine Liturgy. Everyone enjoyed praying over the Slava bread and thus praying over the people of the church, both those present and absent and those reposed. May God bless!

During the trapeza, again we were blessed that it was full but not cramped and everyone enjoyed the wonderful meal prepared by some of our talented catechumens. Reader Job read from the Prologue the life of Saint Andrew and some of his visions. We learned there is a new book that more fully lays out his life and visions. We will look forward to seeing this come to publication.

To end the day, Fr George and Fr Vasilije visited Mother Joanna, abbess of St Xenia skete, at the local hospital as she was recovering from a fall. She was in very good spirits and enjoyed the company and fellowship. Fr George and Fr Vasilije lastly went to one the famous landmarks of Redding, the Sundial Bridge which actually has a means of telling time exactly like a sundial. Finally it was time to go to the airport and say goodbye and give thanks for the wonderful fellowship and worship which had taken place over the weekend. May God be glorified in His saints!

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