Slava Celebration at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Fair Oaks, California

Slava Celebration at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Fair Oaks, California

Serbian Orthodox Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Slava 2023

Occasionally, we are gifted a day from Heaven – Everything from the first moment is wonderful to the last moment when everything is finished. Sunday August 27, our Slava for 2023 was just such a day.

By 6:30 a.m. the kitchen crew was hard at work. By 8 a.m. our children were arriving – in full traditional Serbian dress, they were there with smiles ready to greet Our Vladika. By 8:00 a.m. the hall was receiving the final touches with floral and fruit arrangements. By 9:00 a.m. flowers were being handed out to all in

preparation for Vladika’s arrival. By 9:15 am the Church, the steps leading to the Church and the cars entering the parking lot were all overflowing with people ready to pray together.

Vladika MAXIM was escorted to the doors of the Church by several Priests, Deacons, Alter Servers and members of the teen folkdance — led by our Kumovi for the day John (Barron) and Ann (Cheri) Black.

Divine Liturgy was beautiful, prayerful and uplifting. For those who were fortunate to sit near the front, it was noted how the gold in the Sanctuary ‘sparkled’ and while the lights from the candles allowed one to visualize what Heaven must be like. The play of light was magical.

A highlight of our service was the elevation of John Black to Subdeacon. As Vladika read the prayers for Subdeacon John, one witnessed the humble acceptance of a person accepting the new ‘role’ placed upon him.

Vladika MAXIM offered the Sermon for the day. He spoke to the essence of the Virgin Mary and her role in the salvation of mankind. He encouraged us to turn to her for help at all times as well as to thank her for her prayers on our behalf.

An interesting ‘inside happening’ – there were 3 Kolachs prepared for the day! Even though most of us saw only 1, there were actually 3. The Black family believes in DOING things together. So, son Noah, Father John and Mother Cheri met with Protinica Milica Popovic. They had a ‘Kolach teaching lesson’. And the winner was…..NOAH! It was his Kolach we all saw. Is it necessary to say it was tasty?? It was!

Our Choir under the direction of Gorjana Doskovic, sang the responses for the Divine Liturgy with prayerfulness. We ‘felt’ the prayers as well as ‘heard’ the prayers. Later in the hall, they sang 3 lovely prayers of the Virgin Mary for us.

After the Procession around our Church, we entered the hall for our Banquet. We enjoyed a brief respite to visit with each other – our Church Family sharing in OUR SLAVA. Soon the members of the Clergy joined us for the Blessing of the Kolach and Zhito. It was a wonderful sight to see so very many children clustered around Vladika MAXIM to kiss the blessed Kolach. His PERSONAL gift to them was bestowing a blessing upon each child and then handing them a small icon of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. That is one of those precious moments in a young person’s life that they will always remember with

fondness. It is also a good way to guide them in the life of our Church and path to Jesus Christ. A kind gesture by our Vladika MAXIM.

Under the watchful eye of Mirko Petrovich, a kitchen crew worked many hours preparing the meal. The result: It was a delicious meal featuring salmon, salad and a bean medley. Our teen Kolo group served the food to everyone swiftly and with smiles.

Aco (Aleksandar) Petrovich, President of our Church, offered a few words of welcome. He thanked Vladika MAXIM for praying in our midst, the visiting Clergy, as well as everyone who was in attendance. He reminded us that next year we will celebrate our 70th Slava. ACO also offered a word about plans for the next year. Our hall renovation is moving forward starting today. Estimated cost $ 500,000. Donations are now being accepted. Aco thanked the Kolo group for assisting with hall set up, serving our food and soon to perform several dances for us. He thanked Komovi John and Ann Black for their dedication in making this a successful event. Behind the scenes help by Jelka Janjic, Zorana Petrovich and Protinica Milica was noted.

Kum John (Barron) Black offered a ‘five’ minute speech. “I timed it” Kum John stated as he took the microphone. Stan Mojsich kindly stepped forth to translate all into Serbian. A few snippets worth noting:

“Thank you so much to all of you for taking my Family into Your Family. We love being part of your community. 16 years ago (in Washington state), we converted to Orthodoxy. Our Priest gave us 3 books to read. I have them with me today: St. Lazar, St. Nikolai Velimirovich and Elder Thaddeus ‘Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives’. These books have impacted my life. St. Nikolai, I read every day – his Prologue. I truly believe your Saints drew my Family here to Sacramento. I never thought I would live in California! I never thought I would live on the Old Calendar! I never thought I would be in a Parish that only did ½ of the Divine Liturgy in English! But, the LIGHT that I see and feel from Everyone in THIS Parish kept us here. Thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for your welcome. Thank you to Fr. Dane and Protinica Milica, Fr. Bill and Protinica Mary Anne. Thank you to EACH of you. There will be more Americans coming here. They are ‘looking’ as we did. They are looking for the TRUTH which is here. My Wife, Cheri and I are

proud to wear your Serbian Sashes today and represent you as Kumovi. Finally, as your Kum today, my first responsibility is to ask you to offer the financial support to complete the hall renovation. Please assist as you are able. I thank you.”

Our entertainment began with the younger Kolo Group and continued with our teen Kolo group. Under the guidance and careful tutoring by Andjelka Gojkovich Gusak, these young people continue to surprise and inspire all of us! Each performance is better than any we have seen before. For those who are unaware, our teen group has been asked to perform for many different events in the past two years – and has done a spectacular job each time! Feel free to compliment them.

Our Choir has also evolved under the leadership of Gorjana Doskovic. Everyone who visits our Church comments upon the lovely singing. For our Slava, they also feverishly practiced several songs of praise to the Virgin Mary. The beauty of their melded voices was noted by all.

Fr. Dane thanked ALL who came to Pray with us today:

His Grace, The Right Reverend Bishop MAXIM

Fr. Steve Tumbas, Fr. Marko Bojovic, our own Fr. William Weir, Protodeacon Dragan Stojanovich, Dn. Seraphim Torruella

FINAL NOTES: Many thanks to all who helped prepare for this day in any way. May The Mother of God Bless Each and Every One of You.

Thank you to all of you who came to Pray with our community and share in the joy of our Slava.



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