Petrovdan and Ordination in Fresno, California

Petrovdan and Ordination in Fresno, California

St. Peter the Apostle parish’s 73rd annual commemoration of Ss. Peter and Paul (Petrovdan) was held on Sunday, July 14. The day at which we gather to honor our patron saint and heavenly intercessors is always a day of great joy. In the Orthodox Church’s consciousness, the parish Slava carries a significance second only to Pascha.

On this scorching Fresno summer day, although somewhat more relaxed than the high temperature of 115, in which the temperature reached 105 degrees here in the heart of California’s Central Valley, it didn’t prevent the church from being filled with faithful who gathered as a Eucharistic community mystically identified with Ss. Peter & Paul—through Christ—specifically ask them to intercede on our behalf and to glorify God, “who is wonderful in His saints.” The day began with the celebration of Matins followed by the Hierarchical Liturgy, led by our beloved Father and Bishop MAXIM, together with the parish rector Father George Gligich and visiting priest and friend to the parish community Father Marko Bojovic, from St. Sava Church in Jackson, CA. Father Marko is also the Dean of the Jackson.

Deanery, of which St. Peter’s Church is a parish. The responses to Matins and Liturgy were beautifully chanted and sung by our St. Peter Choir under the direction of Djakonica Peggy Matthews.

During the Hierarchical Liturgy, parishioner and our current Parish Council President Christopher Menges was ordained to the Holy Diaconate. AXIOS and Many Years to Deacon Christopher, his wife Djakonica Anastacia, and their daughters Milica and Margot.

Before the end of the Liturgy, the Litya procession around the church, with the reading of the Gospel and sanctification with the Holy Water, took place. Upon reentering the temple, the Slava Bread and Wheat were blessed. This year, the Kumovi for the Slava were Alexander and Francine Contreras. They have been very active in their service and devotion to Christ and our St. Peter’s Church for many years. Francine currently serves as the president of St. Peter’s Circle of Sisters.

After the Liturgy, His Grace warmly and lovingly greeted Father George and all the faithful in the celebration of our Slava and the joy that he was filled with by being able to share this day with us. Also, he

congratulated the newly ordained Deacon Christopher, wishing him many years of faithful service to Chris and His Holy Church. Father George welcomed His Grace, expressing the blessing of having our beloved archpastor again in our midst, leading us in our celebration. We then blessed the travel and upcoming trip of our St. Peter’s Project Mexico homebuilding volunteers, who will leave later in the week for Project Mexico in Rosarita, Mexico, across the border from San Diego. Project Mexico has been a longstanding commitment from our parish to sponsor work teams who travel every summer to Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage.

The annual St. Peter Youth Scholarships were awarded at the banquet that followed. $1250 each was presented to Mason Epperson and Theadora Clemensen, along with a gift from Bishop Maxim of the “THE SERBIAN CHRISTIAN HERITAGE OF AMERICA The Historical, Spiritual, and Cultural Presence of the Serbian Diaspora in North America (1815-2019)

Mason is the son of Jason and Lamia Epperson. Mason was a team captain, swimmer, and four-year varsity water polo player. He graduated as a valedictorian from Edison High School. Mason has been active in our parish Sunday School since he was four years old and has been a weekly altar server since he first learned to tie his shoes. Out of 2,500 applicants nationwide, the United States Marine Corps ranked Mason as number 25 to receive a full college scholarship. Instead, Mason has chosen to attend the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, and looks forward to the opportunities that education will offer him.

Theadora is the daughter of Wayne and Lisa Clemensen and the granddaughter of John and Suzanna Baziuk. She was an Honor Student at Eddison High School and was outstanding in her participation in the activities and worship of our parish community. Theadora will be attending

Fresno City College’s Honors program this fall and plans to enter the medical field. We congratulate our scholarship recipients and ask for God’s blessings and protection in their future!

Father George, on behalf of the parish, presented our Slava Kumovi Alex and Francine with an Icon of the Holy Apostle Peter for their many years of service. They expressed their gratitude to the parish on being honored as Kumovi, and expressing that all that they receive from the Church is far greater than anything they have given.

The delicious banquet was prepared by Ernie and Cheryl Duran and assisted by Ken Pruse and their dedicated committee. We are very grateful to them for chairing this committee for many years and especially appreciate Ernie and Justin Nika for grilling the lamb outdoors in the 105-degree heat! This year’s Petrovdan was indeed a special day in the life of our parish community. We thank God and through the intercessions of the Holy Apostles for His continued mercy and love for our parish!


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