Pascha in Alhambra, California

Pascha in Alhambra, California

CHRIST IS RISEN!  Христос васкрсе!

On Great and Holy Pascha, Sunday, May 5, 2024,  at Saint Steven’s Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, California, His Grace Bishop Maxim, together with V. Rev. Nicholas Ceko, Cathedral Dean, Hieromonk Vasilije Gavrilovic, Rev. Vladan Radovanovic, Assistants to His Grace Bishop Maxim, and the Orthodox faithful of the parish celebrated Matins at 11:30 pm on Saturday followed by the a beautiful and festive Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at midnight! The Clergy took turns exclaiming “Christ Is Risen” as they made their way through the church while the choir joyously sang the Paschal hymns. The Light of Christ illumined all!

The Paschal festivities continued in the early morning hours with everyone enjoying the traditional buffet of a variety of delicious dishes prepared and brought by parishioners of the Cathedral.

Later that Sunday morning, at 11:00 am, the Agape (vesper service) of Pascha was held with the reading of the Gospel in five languages. The responses were sung by a group of singers under the direction of Vaso Katanic. Fr. Nicholas Ceko, at the end of the service, read the Paschal Encyclical of Patriarch Porfirije, after which all were dismissed receiving a blessing and Easter Egg as they made there way out of the church.

Following the vesper service all processed to the Hall and Pavillion where a beautiful banquet and barbecue awaited them. Dushan Pavichevich, parish president, gave the opening remarks, greeting everyone with “Christ Is Risen” and extended a warm welcome to all. The luncheon was prepared by the Saint Steven’s Women’s Auxiliary and served by the youth of the parish. For those who preferred a picnic atmosphere, Civaps were served outside all day. The afternoon festivities included an easter egg hunt organized by the parents of the Religious Cultural Association. The children lined up eager to begin finding as many eggs as quickly as they could.  After all the excitement of the hunt, everyone enjoyed an afternoon of socializing with family and friends and listening and dancing to the live music provided by Srbija from Phoenix, Arizona.

Thank you to all at Saint Steven’s who dedicated their time and effort so all could enjoy a very festive Pascha Celebration. Christ Is Risen!




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