Ordination of Protodeacon Paul Germain to the Holy Priesthood

Ordination of Protodeacon Paul Germain to the Holy Priesthood

Sunday, June 2, 2024
San Diego, California

Ordination of Protodeacon Paul Germain to the Holy Priesthood on Sunday of the Samaritan woman

His Grace Bishop Maxim celebrated Hierarchical Liturgy at St. George parish on the fifth Sunday of Pascha, Samaritan woman. The liturgical day started the evening before with a Vespers service, bringing a theme of repentance, faith, and the universal nature of salvation before the faithful. All are welcome to participate in the church’s life, which is the body of Christ.

Bishop Maxim was welcomed by the parish and visiting clergy the next day. The Matins started at nine o’clock and served by protopresbyter-stavrophor Bratislav Bratso Krsic, parish priest, Protodeacon Dragan Stojanovic from St. Sava Church, Jackson, deacon Halvard Blomgren from St. Anthony Antiochian Orthodox Church, and several parish and visiting subdeacons and readers. Hierarchical Liturgy began at ten o’clock with the proclamation of the Kingdom of God and singing of Pascha Troparion: “Christ is risen from the dead trampling down death by death and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.”

Following the Gospel reading from Saint John 4:5-42, Bishop Maxim gave a homily recounting Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. In this encounter, Jesus Christ breaks social and religious norms by conversing with a Samaritan woman, a marginalized figure in the society of that time. Through their dialogue, Jesus reveals profound truths about himself as the Messiah and offers the woman “living water,” symbolizing the gift of eternal life through faith in him. The main message of this encounter is often interpreted as the inclusivity of God’s salvation. Despite societal barriers and religious differences, Jesus offers salvation to all who believe in him, regardless of their background or past sins. The Samaritan woman’s transformation from a sinner to a believer and evangelist, equal to the apostles, highlights the power of encountering Jesus and the transformative nature of true faith.

His Grace pointed out that Orthodox Christians commemorate this Sunday by reflecting on the themes of repentance, spiritual thirst, and the invitation to encounter Christ personally. It serves as a reminder of God’s boundless mercy and love, inviting believers to deepen their faith and share the good news with others.

At the Great Entrance, protodeacon Paul, led by protodeacon Dragan and deacon Halvard, entered the altar; then, led by protopresbyter-stavrophor Bratislav around the altar table, venerated each corner and, taking a blessing from Bishop Maxim, he, kneeled before the altar table and his Grace placed an omophorion and his hand upon his head reading the prayer: “The divine grace, which always heals that which is infirm and completes that which is lacking, ordains the most devout protodeacon Paul to the office of Priest…”

After the Liturgy, the newly ordained presbyter Paul gave antidoron and blessing to the faithful.

The celebration continued in the social hall, with more clergy joining. Protopresbyter-stavrophor Milovan Katanic from St. Petka, San Marcos, and deacon Anthony Turjman from St. Anthony Antiochian parish joined the celebration. The musical performance by Mirjana and Laticija Anastasijevic and Radovan Borovic was held during the lunch Jadranka Bozinovska and her kitchen assistants and Morava dancers prepared.

St. George parish family is blessed to welcome Presbyter Paul to the ranks of parish priests. We prayerfully, trusting in the Lord’s guidance, look forward to our parish’s continued growth. We congratulate him, his wife Natalia, and daughters Oksana and Kaija and wish them many years of good health and spiritual journey with our parish family.


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