Diocesan Days 2024 – Together with the Saints of our Time

Diocesan Days 2024 – Together with the Saints of our Time

The annual gathering of clergy and laity from throughout the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America, Diocesan Days, began Friday, August 30, 2024. With the arrival of the diocesan clergy Episcopal Assistant Rev. Hieromonk Vasilije Gavrilovic welcomed the clergy on behalf of His Grace Bishop Maxim who, himself, had just arrived at the airport this afternoon from Athens, Greece where he had traveled to attend and serve at the funeral for the late Christos Yannaras. In his remarks Fr. Vasilije outlined the schedule of events for the afternoon. He also took the opportunity to announce new items from Sebastian Press Bookstore as well as a very new and exciting feature: clergy vestments, which would now be offered for purchase from our bookstore.

Following the luncheon the clergy were split into groups according to their respective deaneries to shared parish activities and plans with their deans in preparation for the reports that their deans would present during these Diocesan Days meetings. These group meetings lasted until later in the afternoon, after which members of the Diocesan Council held their meeting.

The evening Vesper service was served by V. Rev. Protopresbyter Stavrophor Predrag Bojovic, assisted by Protodeacon Dragan Stojanovich and Deacon Christopher Menges at Saint Steven’s Cathedral Church.  During the Vespers service His Grace Bishop Maxim blessed new antimins to be distributed to the clergy.

An antimins is a rectangular cloth on which are depicted representations of Christ’s descent from the Cross as well as the four evangelists.  It is kept folded on the altar table and contains the relics of saints sewn into it.  The word derives from the Greek antimension which means “instead of the table”.  It is not permissible to serve a Divine Liturgy without an antimins and it must be consecrated and signed by the reigning Bishop in advance.

Dinner and fellowship followed. During the dinner deans, V. Rev. Protopresbyter Stavropher Dragomir Tuba and V. Rev. Protopresbyter Stavrophor Bratso Krsic presented reports for their respective deaneries, Phoenix and Los Angeles. Fr. Bratso, as director of the Diocesan Christian Education program, took the opportunity to present to the clergy and delegates an insight in the work of that diocesan program. The evening concluded with Popadija Biljana Bojovic performing a beautiful rendition of “Ajde Slusaj, Slusaj Kales Ando”.

The Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy marked the beginning of the second day of the Diocesan Days celebration. In procession during the Matins service the clergy solemnly led in the relics of St. Nikolai of Zica and Ohrid and St. Justin of Chelije which were then venerated by the clergy and faithful as the morning service continued.

His Grace tonsured to the order of Subdeacon Dusan Djordjev from St. Sava parish in Phoenix, Arizona and Andrew Bratlien from St. Herman Parish in Kalispel, Montana.

The choir from St. Sava Serbian Church in San Gabriel beautifully sang the responses during the Divine Liturgy, together with signers from parishes throughout the Diocese.

His Grace, in his remarks following the service, noted, that all “who gathered on this unique, very special and significant opportunity not just to celebrate the occasion of being together but, first of all, to offer thanksgiving to our Triune God who revealed Himself in His Saints so that today we would be blessed to receive and welcome the relics of great and holy contemporary Saints, the saints of our age, the saints who speak to our heart, in our difficult times. St. Nikolai the great hierarch of Zica and All America and St. Justin who was his contemporary and friend and theologian and great teacher of Orthodoxy. Both of them offered to our people and to the entire Orthodoxy the truth and the illumination so that we, through their teaching, can walk through this life. Through the Divine Liturgy they confirmed their faith in the Eucharist so that we can say, together with them, the right serving and the way of serving the Divine Liturgy confirms our faith.”

Following coffee and refreshments the clergy and delegates moved to the main hall for the beginning of the Diocesan Day banquet which this year would be combined with the annual meeting so that during the banquet feast clergy and delegates listened to reports and the different activities throughout our vast diocese.

Fr. Nicholas Ceko expressed the importance of Saints Nikolai of Ziča and Justin of Ćelije, whose relics the faithful venerated in the Cathedral Church. “They had many gifts and used them for the benefit of the Church. Both had a rare gift of Spiritual Leadership and a healing presence in their lifetime and today.” Father Nick concluded his presentation saying that “the grace in them cannot be contained but overflows to so many different people, for they both were truly Christ-Like and with their holy relics in our midst, venerating them, may we too strive to be the same.”

At the conclusion of the banquet His Grace presented the following awards to the joy of all those present: The Order of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson, first degree: Very Reverend Stavrophor Vasilije Cvijanovic, Protinica Aleksandra Ceko and Sharlota Shari Blagojevic. Order of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson, second degree: Protodeacon Dragan Stojanovic and Donna Vudrag. Episcopal Citation (Gramata): Dawn Pavlovich

The banquet and festivities continued with music and fellowship.

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