70th Anniversary of the Church consecration and Patron Feast Day: Conception of St. John the Baptist

70th Anniversary of the Church consecration and Patron Feast Day: Conception of St. John the Baptist

On October 6, 2024, on the unusually hot day of Indian Summer, the vibrant community of the San Francisco Bay Area came together to celebrate a momentous occasion: the 70th anniversary of the consecration of our beloved church, coinciding with the Patron Feast Day of the Conception of St. John the Baptist. The church was filled with congregants of all ages—families, children, and long-time members—gathering to honor this significant milestone.

The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Maxim, and co-celebrated by Very Rev. Stavrofor Vasilije Cvijanovic from the Moraga parish, Very Rev. Vidoslav Vujasin from the Saratoga Parish, Very Rev. Stavrofor Djurica Gordic, parish priest and the newly ordained deacon Lazar Supic.

During the liturgy, His Grace Bishop Maxim delivered a profound sermon reflecting on the theme of the two greatest commandments, as presented in the Sunday Gospel reading. With eloquence and clarity, he emphasized the call to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

His Grace continued by saying: “And here, brothers and sisters, we come to that challenging moment, how to understand love, which is not possible to be defined. Who can define that love? And Jesus doesn’t define it. He simply says, love your God with your whole heart, mind, and your entire being basically, and love your neighbor, just as you love yourself.

So now we have come closer to this understanding, because instead of putting the commandments and the law between us and God, Jesus is putting something that is more relational, something that now brings us towards God to his face. Because to love somebody means going outside ourselves and entering into a relationship facing other people. So now he teaches the Israel to come into that very personal relationship with God himself and with the entire being. That means not stay in your own selfish ego and selfless ego, and then respect certain commandments, but to be in relation. But it is not only with God, but with our neighbors as well.

Love your neighbor just as you love yourself! And without now describing this relationship and the mystery of love, I just wanted to remind you, dear brothers and sisters, how when we come into the church, we fulfill that commandment that the Lord gave to the people of his own time by correcting them and turning them, transitioning them from the law to the realm of love and freedom. When we come here, we tend to accomplish what the Lord said with these new commandments about love and by celebrating St. John Baptist and his conception, we are reminded of his own person. If you read the New Testament, you will see how the entire life of St. John was about orienting himself and his fellow Israelites towards Lord, the Lord. And everything was about Christ. And today, by celebrating him and being reminded of these two new commandments of love towards God and our neighbors, we feel how what John was preaching has been accomplished in Christ and in His body, which is the Church, the community. And by this, I just wanted to offer a brief commentary and to congratulate you, to wish you a blessed feast, so that in this liturgical community, we experience what the Lord asked us to do and to be loving beings in the image of the thriving God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Bishop Maxim invited the congregation to contemplate the depth of these commandments, highlighting their transformative power in our lives and communities. He urged everyone to embody this love in both word and action, fostering a spirit of compassion and unity in a world that often feels divided. His message resonated deeply, inspiring all to embrace these guiding principles in their daily lives.

After the cutting of the slava bread and the Divine Liturgy, clergy and faithful gathered for an anniversary banquet in the church hall.

During the banquet, Fr. Djurica greeted everyone and reflected on the church’s journey over the past 70 years. He emphasized on the importance on celebrating jubilees, and how the community has grown, not just in numbers but in faith and fellowship. He reminded us of the importance of St. John the Baptist as our patron, whose life exemplifies a dedication to God and a call to prepare the way for others.

He continued by saying: “This is why jubilee celebration is the best time to recognize certain people among us who are doing good things for our community, even though it’s not what Christ is teaching us.  In Matthew 6:3, Jesus says “when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly”

We want to give them encouragement and tell them to keep up the good work, do more, we are with you we support you. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works, as St. Apostle Paul says. That’s why we must recognize a few people here with us today, even though there are many who deserve it.”

On the recommendation of Fr. Djurica Gordic, Bishop Maxim presented Mr. Stan Grgich with the Order of St Sebastian First degree, for his dedicated labor for this church, and especially for St. Sava Camp, but also generously supporting our sister parishes in Bay Area.

Mrs. Nadine Radovich, Mr. and Mrs. Melody and Jay Key and Mr. Bob Fowler were presented with Archpastoral Gramata of recognition for their generosity, love and dedication.

As we left the church hall, the warmth of the day lingered in our hearts. The 70th anniversary celebration and the Feast Day of the Conception of St. John the Baptist was not just a remembrance of the past; it was a powerful affirmation of our shared faith and mission as a community. We look forward to many more years of worship, service, and love as we continue to grow together in Christ.

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