25th Annual Diocesan KSS Women’s Lenten Retreat

After the service, the sisters prepared breakfast which was followed by Fr Josiah’s presentation on “Marriage and Family in Today’s World.” Fr Josiah started his talk by providing an image of marriage through the book of Genesis. Namely, he provided three distinguished divisions, as described in the book of Genesis, 1. the uncreated God and creation; 2. the creation and humankind; 3. male and female. Fr Josiah brought attention to the fact that God called into being male and female and called it “very good.” However, after the fall, which is the fall of marriage, sin and death became a reality in which we live in. Further, Father highlighted the importance of marriage invoking Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church. Marriage is an opportunity for forgiveness every day challenging thus the aggressive attack mode the world finds itself today. Fr Josiah underlined the problems and temptations marriage is going through in our times, especially alluding to problematic understanding of desire, love, and union in modern culture. Marriage is a mystery, a cross bearing, it transcends earthly things not being a part of it anymore. After the presentation, the sisters organized a rich luncheon, which was followed by a lively Q&A session with this year’s guest speaker Fr Josiah.

Audio of Fr. Josiah’s Talk
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