Due Immediately following your Annual Parish Assembly

  1. Election Form Fill-In & Print Form
  2. 2023 (Audited) Financial Statements & 2024 Budget (presented at your parish assembly)
  3. Credentials Form for Annual Diocesan Assembly 2024 Printable Form
  4. Annual Parish or Monastery Report (Due by July 31st)
    To be signed by Parish Priest & Parish President or Abbot/Abbess
    Report Period: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
    The Report must be in English and in Paragraphs

Due by JUNE 30th

  1. Diocesan Days Sponsorships & Greetings & Ads submission

Due Monthly / Quarterly

  1. Assessments (Your 2024 rate was mailed to your parish in December 2023) – Monthly
  2. Dental/Vision Insurance Reimbursements (for participating parishes) – Quarterly
  3. Life & Disability Insurance (for participating parishes) – Quarterly

Sts. Sebastian & Mardarije Orthodox Institute VIII
February 2025
Guest Speaker: To be Determined
More information available soon

Diocesan Days & Annual Assembly 
Labor Day Weekend, August 30 &31, 2024- Location to be announced
Event Page: westsrbdio.org/diocesandays
Diocesan Council Meeting Notification Letter | Agenda (Mailed 6/10/24)
Assembly Notification Letter | Agenda (Mailed 6/10/24)



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