Bishop Maxim sends special coronavirus message April 8, 2020

Posted April 8, 2020

As Covid-19 spreads around the globe, people are rethinking how they do things and how they appreciate the life itself. For us, this Great Lent of our lives, is a good opportunity to participate in the life of Christ, not mentally but existentially. Remember, when someone is empty of Christ, then a hundred and one other things come to fill him: jealousies, hatreds, boredom, depression, negativity. In the midst of the current coronavirus pandemic, DISCERNMENT is called for in order to distinguish whether something comes from the grace of God, the activity of the nature, the evil one or the human constitution. Тhe ultimate goal of fasting in these strange times of Corona virus is discovery of Christ in the person of the sufferer, the poor, the tormented, the stranger and the prisoner. To see Him everywhere and always invisibly – even when you do not see Him. So that He is blessing and understanding for all.


Владика Максим о корона вирусу на почетку месеца априла 2020

Posted April 8, 2020

Владика лосанђелески и западноамерички говори о размерама пандемије корова вируса. Kрупнији историјски догађаји често дају садржај за духовну обнову. Ношење са овим вирусом није лако и он представља изазов за медицину као и за психологију, али на може повести и на духовно путовање. Који је философски, духовни смисао коронавируса? Приоритети, хијерархија вредности се поново васпостављају. Питање, да ли је Коронавирус казна Божија, зашто неки умиру а неки не, није наше питање. Угледајмо се на једног великог подвижника Св. Антонија Великог (357). ”Ава Антоније, упирући свој поглед ка дубинама судова Божијих, упита: – Господе, како неки умиру мало поживевши, а неки у дубокој старости? И зашто су једни сиромашни, а други богати? И како то да једни, иако су неправедни, бивају богати, а други, иако су праведни, бивају сиромашни? И дође му глас који говораше: – Антоније, пази на себе; јер то су судови Божији и није ти од користи да их разумеш.” Пустиња наших приватности тражи глас и поруку какву нам пружа Антоније Велики.

Reflection on the Feast of the Annunciation 2020

Posted April 7, 2020

His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco shares a reflection on the Feast of the Annunciation.





Presentation by Rev. Deacon Dr. Stephen Muse: The Way, the Truth, and the Life of the Cross – Diocesan Days, Saturday, Sep. 1, 2018





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Presentation by Fr. Timothy Pavlatos: God’s Desire for us: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” (Rev. 3:20)

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Our longing for God, “My God my soul longs for you” (Ps. 62:4), by Fr. Timothy Pavlotos

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Closing discussion with Fr. Timothy Pavlatos

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Troparion of Sts. Mardarije & Sebastian sung by Prizren Seminarians (in Serbian), June 6, 2015

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Father Sava, Iguman of Decani Monastery visits St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in Plantina, May 4, 2015

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Session VII Discussion – Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

Session VIII: On Orthodox Ecumenism
Moderators: Fr. Predrag Bojović and Fr. Ljubiša Brnjoš – Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

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Session IV: New Pascha–Divine Liturgy in the Land of the Living
Moderators: Fr. Nicholas Čeko, Fr. Djokan Majstorović, and Lazar Supić Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

Audio Player

Session V:Synodality and Canonical Tradition
Moderator: His Grace, Bishop Maxim, Fr. Dobrivoje Milunović, and Fr. Živojin Jakovljević Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

Session VI: The Return to Wonder: on Holiness and Responsibility
Moderator: Mother Michaila, Sister Xenia, and Miroslav PopovićSts. Sebatian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

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Session I – Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

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Session II: Freedom, Spiritual Warfare & Cross
Moderators: Abbot Damascene and Deacon Zoran Aleksić Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

Audio Player

Session III: Eschatology and Theosis according to St. Maximus the Confessor
Moderators: Abbot Damascene and Deacon Zoran Aleksić Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

Audio Player

Session III: Eschatology and Theosis according to St. Maximus the Confessor
Moderators: Abbot Damascene and Deacon Zoran Aleksić Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

Session III: Eschatology and Theosis according to St. Maximus the Confessor
Moderators: Abbot Damascene and Deacon Zoran Aleksić Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Orthodox Institute 2015/2016
February 16 –20, 2015 • St Sava Church • Phoenix, AZ

Audio Player

Епископ Атанасије (Јевтић), приказ књиге The Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija – Phoenix, фебруар, 17, 2015

Audio Player

The Priesthood and Servant Leadership. A talk given by His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios, Aug. 11, 2014

Talks given at the Sabor Banquet on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 with Guest Speaker His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios.

21st National Church Assembly Sabor – Guest Speaker Archbishop Demetrios Keynote Address, Aug. 11, 2014

Bishop Maxim’s Greets His Eminence, Metropolitan Anphilohije and His Grace, Bishop Longin, Dec. 8, 2013

Bishop Maxim’s Sermon on Saturday, December 7,2013 in Chicago during the visit of His Eminence Amphelohije, Dec. 7, 2013

Greeting from His Grace, Bishop Maxim, presentations from Guest Speakers with Keynote Address by Rev. Hieromonk Iakovos & a special performance by “Breze” of St. Sava Church in Phoenix, during the Diocesan Days Grand Banquet on Sunday, September 1st, 2013.

His Grace, Bishop Maxim gives the Homily followed by the reading of the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South American on the beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year 2013 read by Fr. Nikola Ceko. Sept. 1, 2013

St. Nikolai Oratorical Fesitval, Youth Presentation on the Edict of Milan (313-2013), Aug. 31, 2013

Diocesan Days, Breze, a group of young singers from St. Sava Church in Phoenix, Aug. 31, 2013

Diocesan Days Friday Evening Question & Answer Period with Guest Speakers, Aug. 30, 2013

V. Rev. Dr. John Erickson – Discussion Period at Diocesan Days Clergy Retreat
Discussion on “Does Christian Marriage Have a Future?”, Aug. 30, 2013

Diocesan Days Clergy Seminar Presentation by V. Rev. Dr. John Erickson, Dean Emeritus, Saint Vladimir’s Seminary
Does Christian Marriage Have a Future?, Aug. 30, 2013

Topic: A Marriage of Byzantine Art with our Postmodern Times, Making an icon in a postmodern context.
Fr. Stamatis Sklirs Speaks to the Youth of Los Angeles, June 18, 2012

“The Sacrament of Confession: Contemporary Pastoral Challenges and Questions” – first session, Dec. 4, 2012

Беседа Преосвећеног Епископа Максима у парохији Вазнесења Христовог у Аркадији, Nov. 5, 2012

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