Canonization of Sts. Mardarije & Sebastian

The Holy Assembly of Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church during its regular session on May 29th, 2015, added the names of Archimandrite Sebastian (Dabovich) of Jackson, and Bishop Mardarije (Uskokovic) of Libertyville, the Clergymen and Preachers of the Gospel, God-pleasing servants of the holy life, and inspirers of many missionaries, to the Dyptich of Saints (Calendar of Saints) of the Orthodox Church.


The life of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson


This apostle of North America was the first American born Orthodox priest. His parents, Ilija and Jelena Dabovic, were the first recorded immigrants on the West Coast. They lived in San Francisco, operated a small shop, and were blessed with seven children. St. Sebastian was their fourth child who at baptism received name John. He was born on June 21, 1863. His ministry in the Church started at early age. After he finished high school he served his parish as a reader and teacher. Before he was sent to Russia, he spent time in Sitka, Alaska, assisted with parish ministries at St. Archangel Michael Cathedral. After three years of study at the St. Petersburg and Kiev Theological Academies, John was tonsured a monk and received monastic name Sebastian in 1887. 

The life of St. Mardarije of Libertyville


Born in village of Kornet, Ljesani County, in Montenegro, on November 2, 1889, to pious parents Petar and Jela Uskokovic, he was baptized in his village church dedicated to St. George and received his baptismal name Ivan. His mother was from the well-known Bozovic family. Both of his parents were well respected in their community holding the office of leadership and particularly his father was a captain of their clan.

Considering his parents’ status, young Ivan was sent to further his education, first in Rijeka Crnojevic, Cetinje, and then in Belgrade, Serbia. While in Belgrade, young Ivan advanced his childhood desire to serve God and the Church, and so from there he headed to monastery Studenica where after a short period of novice life he gets tonsured to monasticism having received the name Mardarije.

Holiness: A Forgotten Vision?

By the Rev. Metropolitan of Pergamon John (Zizioulas)

The term “saint” or “sanctity” (holiness) is something entirely irrelevant and foreign to our time, and to the civilization and the quests of contemporary Man. Which parents nowadays have the ambition of making their children “saints”?  Which of our schools and educational programs cultivate sanctity or present it as a vision and as a model?  The “successful” person of our time, as well as the ideal of contemporary education and our civilization is not in the least the “good and benevolent” person of classical times. Instead, it is the one who can achieve wealth, comforts and social emergence – this is what parents want of their children, this is what our educational systems chiefly aspire to, this is what the mass media cultivate, and this is the dream of the majority of our young generation.

Indeed, in a society that regards unemployment as its most serious problem and is governed by the anxiety of how to increase its per capita income, for one to speak of saints and sanctity constitutes a challenge – or rather, a cause for laughter and derision. In this way, sanctity has now become a “forgotten vision”



Our Price: $20.00 – Buy at

This book contains the lives of the two new Saints of the Church who were granted to the North American continent through the Serbian Orthodox Church. The main incentive for publishing this hagiographical work comes from the desire to refresh the memory on these Christ-like people. Bishop Mardarije Uskokovic and Arhimandrite Sebastian Dabovich were the best examples of servant leadership (Matthew 20:27-28), in our recent history in the USA.

“It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us (Acts 15:28) that at the priestly Assembly of Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church, to the glory of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, who is glorious in His Saints, and for the spiritual good and overall progress of our local Church and the entire One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, to add to the Synaxis of Saints Venerable Archimandrite SEBASTIAN, who glorified God with his life and works and whom the Lord has already glorified through precious signs and the reverence of all people.

An American Apostle, St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson

This DVD is an historical video presentation on the life and work of Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovic, a man referred to by St. Nicholai (Velimirovic) of Zhicha, Serbia, as “the greatest Serbian Missionar of modern times.”

Price: $15 – Purchase at

We encourage every Orthodox Christian family to purchase a copy of this DVD to share with their children, family, and friends so we remember the first american-born Serbian Orthodox Apostle to America, Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovic. 

Hand-painted Icon of Sts. Mardarije & SebastianDear Beloved in Christ,

I greet you in the love and joy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as I write to share news of the hand-painted icon of the Holy Enlighteners and Apostles of our Church, the canonized Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson and Saint Mardarije of Chicago and Libertyville.

The liturgical glorification of these two new American Saints and the spiritually edifying events that followed on that beautiful day of the canonization in early September 2015, has truly touched the hearts and lives of many and has created an awareness of the important significance of the proclamation of new saints in America and the world.

Canonization of
St. Mardarije and St. Sebastian!

Troparion of Sts. Mardarije & Sebastian
Sung by the Prezren Seminarians (Serbian)

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Icons of Bishop Mardarije and Archimandrite Sebastian at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Serbian Orthodox Church, Fair Oaks, Calif. written by iconographer Miloje Milinkovic.

Troparion of Sts. Mardarije and Sebastian:
O God of our Fathers,
Always act with kindness towards us;
Take not Your mercy from us,
But through the prayers of Saints Mardarije
and Sebastian
Guide our lives in peace.

Kontakion to St. Mardarije of Libertyville, Tone 8:
Tireless preacher of Christ the Lord,
Leader on the path of St. Sava
for your people in diaspora,
Labor-loving practitioner and teacher of repentance,
Holy Mardarije of Libertyville and America,
Together with all the Enlighteners of the
American lands,
Entreat the only Lover of Mankind,
To grant all Orthodox Christians peace and unity!

Кондак Светоме Мардарију Либертивилском, глас 8:
Неуморни проповедниче Христа Господа,
Светосавски человођо народа свога у расејању,
трудољубиви зиждитељу и учитељу покајања,
Свети Мардарије Либертивилски и Амерички,
са свима Просветељима американске земље
моли јединога Човекољупца
да подари мир и слогу роду Православноме!

Kontakion to St. Sebastian of Jackson, Tone 8:
Apostle and Enlightener of America,
Born in San Francisco,
First born in America to become a priest,
Fiery preacher of Christ’s word
among the peoples of America,
You traveled throughout the country preaching
the Truth and love,
Confirming many souls in the Orthodox Faith,
And erecting many churches to the glory of God,
Poor in body but rich in the Spirit,
O Father Sebastian of Jackson and Apostle of All America,
Pray the Lord Whom you served with your whole heart,
To grant us your last spoken wish:
The Kingdom of Heaven without end!

Кондак Светом Севастијану Џексонском,  глас 8:
Рођен у Сан Франциску,
Апостоле и Просветитељу Америке:
Први рођени у Америци који је постао свештеник,
огњени проповедниче Речи Христове међ’
народима Америке,
пропутовао си целу земљу проповедајући Истину и љубав,
утврђујући мноштво душа у Православној вери,
И подижући многе цркве у славу Божију,
сиромашан телом а богат Духом
Моли се сада Господу Којем си служио свим срцем,
Севастијане Џексонски и Свеамерички Апостоле,
Да нам дарује твоју последњу изговорену жељу:
Небеско Царство коме нема краја.

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