Reflections and Inspiration
A CHARITABLE GIVING opportunity through ICONS & ART
$210,000 Needed!
OrthoPrax® is the ultimate modern Christian resource—a combined Church calendar, prayer book, and collection of readings—designed to help you explore your faith and enjoy the liturgical cycle of the Church. Regardless of your daily pace, OrthoPrax is there for you: to anchor you to things that matter, answer your questions, help your spiritual growth—all at your fingertips, and always with you. More Info: icxclife.info
Biography of His Grace Bishop Maxim
Pastoral Thought of the Week
Gratefulness for All Things
Neither our self nor our salvation is separated from the other [person], who is our brother.
If we can avoid separating ourselves from grace and from true life, then the trials and dangers of all kinds and all levels which threaten us within and without will be changed into blessings, into creative forces. We shall be grateful to our enemies, to anyone who has roused us to vigilance and sobriety and pushed us into developing—for ourselves and for the whole world—the inexhaustible deposits of spiritual energy hidden in the subsoil of our tradition.
The Church does not react hastily and impetuously. She leaves things free, and everything is guided by the Spirit. She does not present a perspective, even a correct one; she possesses truth incarnate.
Whether through the words of theology, or the paintbrush of iconography, or the melody of hymnography, or heartfelt joy in silence, people radiate the amazement of gratitude for the wealth of divine gifts that they suddenly receive, and this creates a temperate climate for the human being to live in. An iconographer paints icons with his brush tuned to the vibration of the earthquake that does away with hell and raises the dead.